For Us Joyfully

Scripture Reading - Psalms 5:11 KJV

But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.

In a previous lesson we covered how God is “For Us” in so many ways including salvation, healing, wisdom, peace, prosperity and etc… We also taught briefly on God being “For Us” in our specific “profession” and “confession”. Which means the Lord helps us in our job (career, occupation, profession). God also watches over our words to bring His help into our situations by our confession of faith. Therefore, watch what you are saying because we have a spiritual audience listening to whatever we say. We have discussed God being “For Us” concerning our family and/or our household. This basically means it is the Lord’s Will to save all those you live with. We have mentioned God being “For Us” in our prayers, which is another way of saying that God is always ready to help us communicate better with Him. We also learned that God is “For Us” concerning our healing both physically (body) and mentally (soul). We looked at God being “For Us” financially which means it is His Will for you to prosper at some level of your specific lifestyle. We are not all made to be millionaires but we are all created to prosper in the place and position you are called to be in. Speaking on the subject of prosperity one area of spiritual prosperity is “Joy”. Yes, our faith friend, God is “For You” concerning the manifestation of “His Joy” being active in your everyday life. Notice we (ihlcc) said everyday life which mean we (as Christians) should display God’s Joy everyday not just on Sunday during church service. Yes, the one verse above mentions “joy” three times so that in the mouth of two or three witnesses ever word shall be established. The verse states to first “rejoice” because we trust in God. Although this verse was stated in the Old Testament it still applies to us today. This means as Christians we have more than enough to be thankful for. Remember:

We are Blood bought
so our sins were tossed
in an effort to make Jesus our Boss
to keep us from being with the lost!

This means your faith in God’s Grace and His Love is reason enough to “rejoice”. Secondly, we notice that we should “shout for joy” because with God’s Salvation comes His defense. Joyfully shouting the praises of God alerts His army so don’t be quiet and passive when it comes releasing your joyful words of praises to God, for there is God’s power in your praise. It is nice to have a natural army protecting your country and it is comforting knowing that the police are supposed to protect you locally from harm but how much better is it to know that God’s divine protection is on duty twenty-four-seven (24/7). Yes, God not only defends us from natural harm but He protects us from mental and spiritual harm as well. Yes, whether we always realize it or not the Good Shepherd watches over us even while we sleep. Our hiding place in Christ Jesus shields us from many harmful aliments, including various sicknesses and diseases. Remember though a thousand may fall at thy side and ten-thousand at thy right hand no plague shall come nigh thee according to Psalm 91:7. This means surely the Name of the Lord Jesus is a strong tower that the righteous run into and they are safe.-Proverbs 18:10 Many of these truth were first promised in the Old Testament so how much more are they enforceable through the resurrected victory (triumphant) of Jesus Christ. God’s defense is just as strong today as it ever was when we believe Him for it. Our Loving Father always keeps His Word when we keep our trust (faith) in Him for this provision. Thirdly, we understand that all those who love the Name of our God should be “joyous”. We have at least two reasons to be “joyful” in the Name of God. One is the Name of Jesus is above all names so every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus is Lord to the Glory of God, the Father. Another reason is that we know the one and only true and living God. Our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus was, and is, and forever shall be God alone no ifs, ands and buts about it. Jesus is Lord whether you like it or not. So be a wise child of God and “rejoice” constantly with us (ihlcc) because if you don’t purpose to be glad, happy and joyful it won’t come to you automatically. For sure we must look to “rejoice” and practice “joyfulness” for all God has done for us because this (His) “joy unspeakable” will be with us forever. So “enjoy” His Presence right now on earth to practice how to “rejoice (enjoy)” His goodness more fully when we meet in Heaven. Amen!